Friday, September 27, 2013

Blog #5

The passage is interesting and difficult, only because when Geick brings up other sources as references he doesn’t always give them due credit. In the passage it was more so confusing because he didn’t make the people he was talking about very clear. This is challenging because he’s stating some really good facts but because we don’t know exactly who he is talking about all the time it becomes hard to give the proper credit to the author. Which brings us to the copyright laws we are discussing in class and how people want credit for their work but now can receive only partial credit for the hard work they have done.

As a different trade that needed or wanted credit for my work like a designer, an artist, a videographer, a musician, etc. I would try to solve this problem by some what creating another problem. I would solve the problem by making my works free online for people to use and give them all permissions for using my intellectual property. This would create another problem however that even though im giving all my work away someone could try to make the work their own by not giving credit and saying that it was their piece originally. My way would be a very trusting way and a way to give to the public so that creative minds could share the wealth and become stronger.

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